6 de abril de 2016

Some presents

I know that had pass a lot of time since Christmas, but it had been some crazy and difficult months, so here I am again showing you some of my creations. 
The first one is the bag that I customized for my mom. It's a Primark bag, originally it was only black, and I add the red zones with spray paint, and the phrase of Imagine, the song of John Lennon, with a Posca white marker. I like so much the final result, especially because I improvised it the day before Christmas. And also, and most important, my mom loves it. 

The second one is the grinder that I customized for my brother. That was the Star Wars Christmas, so I could not miss a freak gift. I decided to paint it with the emblem of the Galactic Empire on one side, and the emblem of the Galactic Republic onto the other side. I made the templates with tape and after I sprayed it with black paint. He likes it so much, in fact he only uses it at home to not lose it. 

See you!

27 de octubre de 2015

Ten loves

I've thought a lot about what to tell you on that post, and I decided that telling you a little more about me could be a good idea. So there are ten things that I love (they are not in order of preference, in fact, I can't order it).

First one could be reading fantasy books, I love to get into the story and live thousands of lives surrounded by magic, dragons and fairies. That brings me to the second thing, The lord of the rings, yes, for some of you it may sound a little bit freak, but my life wouldn't be the same without the incredible universe created by Tolkien. The third thing will be fashion, of course, but I have to say that I don't like to follow the trend, I love trying to create my own one, customizing or creating my own clothes and accessories. The fourth one will be drawing and painting, I made that since I'm a kid, and I think that this last two years I've started to find my own style, which makes me enjoy so much more my drawing time. The fifth thing I'll say will be decorating rooms, it's a relatively recent hobby, but  I love to make personal my rooms and never stop of changing it, it have to evolve as I do. The sixth thing have to be cats, I have to admit it, I'm a crazy cat lady. For the seventh thing  I'll say travelling, it's not just something I love, I need it. The eight thing could be watching films, as extra information I'll tell you that my favorite film directors are Tim Burton and Tarantino, and my favorite film is The 101 dalmatians (yes, I know, all of them doesn't have anything in common). Ok, only two more things.... For nine I'll choose go shopping, I know it's materialistic, but is the truth. And as the last one, I have to say  spend time with friends and family, it might sound like something typical, and probably I had never said it three years ago, but now I'm far from home and I miss them so much, so I have to say that because now a days is one of the things I love and need more in my life. 

So that's all. And after writing this, I've realized that I have four of this things tattooed on my body and another one will be in one month.... so.... tattoos will be the eleventh thing on my list. ;)

See you!

21 de septiembre de 2015


After so many time with out publishing anything, I realized that I don't like it, I love to be different, so I don't know don't know why I've tried to have a "fashion blog" and to be a "fashion blogger" basing on other bloggers work. Yes, in fact that is what I want to do, but I have to do it on my own way, not trying to reproduce other ones work or following "how to be a blogger" manuals. I'm not saying that those things are wrong or bad, only that they aren't for me, because by the moment I don't want to get focused on the number of followers or views, I want to get focused on find my own voice. That's the reason why I'll try to not compare my work with other ones and just try to do it the best I could, I need to feel proud of what I do.
May be I won't publish as often as is "recommended" (but I'll try to publish minimum once per week), and may be I won't have a "pattern" of posts, but I want to try different types to find the ones and the way which makes me fell more comfortable.
Also I don't want to be just a mannequin for other one clothes, in fact my big purpose is to not publish any "look" post without something made by me, because that was the original objective of this blog, show the clothes I do.
An other thing that I've decided is to write some posts talking about designers, trends, shows... May be you won't agree with me, but I don't want to pretend that I'm an expert or something like that, I'll just give my opinion.
All that may not seem big changes, but they are for me, more than "material" changes are changes on my way to think about the blog.

See you!

6 de mayo de 2015

Customized phone case

Today I've received my new smartphone, a fabulous Blu·sens Smart Pro, and with it comes a white phone case, too simple for me. I have to wait while charging the phone, so in the meantime I started to customize the case. I choose my kitten, the one from the blog, as the principal character for the case. It's so easy to make, just cut and glue. And to end it I sew around with orange thread to give some color. That's all! Now I'm going to enjoy my new toy :D See you!

See you!